Saturday, July 31, 2010


So I've been trying to save my money since the summer hasn't been too good for work and I am planning on traveling a lot too! I've kept myself away from the mall for about a month now and I haven't spent money on unnecessary things. I limited myself when it comes to starbucks and dining out and you won't believe how much I've been able to save!

Anyways, Last week I had to go into the mall into the Apple store to get something fixed on my computer. Can I just include in this really quick, how much i ADORE MAC!!!!! They are amazing and they replaced my computer with a brand new internal hardrive no charge! So close to the Apple store was Aldo. And all my eyes could see was "UP TO 70% OFF!" and well.... I cracked.

I cracked by buying these amazing shoes and to tell you the truth I'm not sure if I even have anything to wear with these amazing heels! I was $30, last pair and in MY size! I knew it was meant to be. BUT I will come up with outfits and I will post them up once I know.

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